Pregnancy and Birth
We believe that it is very important to prepare for the arrival of your baby. Whether it is your first or fourth… All pregnancies and births are different.
Preparing for Birth
At Doula Support Solutions, we offer childbirth and early parenting classes and workshops to assist with the preparation for birth and the transition into parenthood.
We can also present the same information in sessions either in your home or here at the centre and we can tailor make them to suit your needs and requirements.
We can also work with siblings of all ages to include them in the process and journey. We provide you the information and support you need, to help prepare them for the arrival of the new family addition.
Of course we also encourage the support of a doula and it is usual practice for our doulas to meet with you at least twice before the birth.
It is during these pre birth meetings that your doula will get to know you and your partner. She will get to know your wishes and birth preferences and will get a clear understanding of your needs and assist in helping you with your options and support you in devising a birth plan or preference list.
We also have a range of practitioners who can assist you to physically prepare for the labour and birth through massage, herbs, nutritional information, acupuncture and aromatherapy for example.
When the time comes for you to have your baby we want you to feel supported in your decisions and have confidence in your abilities.
When you go into Labour
When you get your first signs of labour or feel there has been a change of any kind it is important to call your doula as a pre notification.
Your doula can clarify what is happening for you so you can continue as you are, or she will come and support you. There are times when your doula will be able to check in on you during early or pre labour, as it is known, and then go again and return when you need her next.
Once you feel the need for extra support to meet any new challenges your doula remains with you and your partner.
Your doula will labour with you at home as long as you feel comfortable, stay with you there if you are having a home birth or move to the hospital with you if that is where you have chosen to have your baby.
You doula remains with you until you have feed your baby and are comfortable or until you don’t need her any more.
Five Tips to a Better Birth
Get Educated
Birth information and education used to be given and handed down from our mothers and the elders of the village, if you like. Today in our society we rely on classes to educate women and their partners through the birth and early parenting process. Most hospitals offer classes and groups but they can be over crowed and biased. If there is an independent organisation or childbirth educator, seek them out.
Prepare your body and mind
Labour and birth can be a marathon and it is good to do regular gentle exercise, eat well, and drink plenty of water during pregnancy. Make time to visualise a positive birth experience, make a regular time to relax and just be, every day. Focus on nothing else but your breathing. You can recall this skill and use it in your labour.
Hire a Doula
A doula is a professional support person who cares for the birthing woman and her partner before, during and after the birth of their baby. They offer information, guidance and emotional support. Research proves that having a doula increases birth satisfaction and lowers intervention rates.
Make a birth plan or wish list
It is a great idea to clarify your birth vision for yourself, your partner, support people and care providers. Gather as much information as you can in order to make informed decisions. Keep your birth plan to one page; be concise and clear in what it is you want. This is your birth experience, take charge!
Engage the services of a supportive caregiver
We are always perplexed by the amount of women who do no research their obstetrician, midwife, and or hospital. This is really important to do at the beginning of your pregnancy. You may accidentally engage the services of a care provider who does not match your birth philosophy.