Our Story

Our Mission

At Doula Support Solutions, we are committed to empowering individuals and families by offering loving support, guidance with up to date information and resources, all centred around the well-being of our clients. Our mission is to nurture and provide tailored support that enables anyone experiencing a major life transition to make informed decisions that are right for them, without judgment, while feeling emotionally held.

Our Purpose

In partnership with Womb To Tomb Foundation, we proudly offer a variety of trainings and ongoing support for all Doulas, wherever they are drawn to work.

That work transpires into education, support and continuity of care for individuals and families through any one of life’s many transitions. Through our network of qualified and experienced educators, doulas and other practitioners, we can offer a variety of services, training and information programs and support.

We want to share our experience with you so that you can be better equipped to make informed decisions that are right for you and your family. At Doula Support Solutions, we take a holistic approach to life’s transitions, believing if you have a better understanding of your options and ‘what to expect’ you can have a more positive experience.

Some History

Doula Support Solutions Program

Doula Support Solutions Program for complex needs families was born out of a decade of fee free services offered via the Doula Heart Network that was founded in 2004 by Renee Adair and became the long term charity arm of the Australian Doula College which Renee founded in 2007.

At the start of 2016, a Family and Community Services Manger saw the value in Doula support and wanted us to support a family ongoingly as a support provider, on a long term job and to be paid. The rest is history. 

We predominately offer, however are not limited to support and education during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.

When working for Doula Support Solutions our Doulas are operating their own business and come on board as a contractor for Doula Support Solutions.

This Program is a fee for service provider who works with but not limited to, child protection agencies and those who are self or planned managed NDIS participants. 

Contact Doula Support Solutions today